Friday, February 19, 2021

Grand Prize Winner! Collector's Crack sends me a pride through priority mail.


True to it's title, Collector's Crack 11th Annual Almost the Easiest Super Bowl Contest on the Web must have been easy if I won! Mark sent me a huge stack of Lions for winning. I haven't blogged in forever but that is where I started when I returned to the hobby back in 2014/15. Since then I've been busy on TCDB and COMC and life, I rarely get more than 5 minutes to myself anymore. But, since I won a blogger's contest and bloggers have always been the best people I have run into in the hobby I figured it deserved a post. I figured a video would be fastest so below is a link to what I won. Make sure you check out Collector's Crack blog and friend Cynicalbuddha on TCDB! Thank you Mark and everybody who got in on the contest this year.